Friday, September 29, 2006

My wish list

Don't you wish you can be at both place???

Have you ever had a wish... I wish you know you can have. Toknow both church and member and pastor and staff.
It not just a church. They are so good. Both pastor are very, very good. During the summer time when the choir been off for the summer. I attend First Baptist so offen. From the month of June I been putting off my coming to First Baptist because my church was doing some active. That great. I been looking forward in a church together event during the weekend. But Monday night Bible Study group I still attend at the same time. Wednesday night supper group was off for the summer. But finding out the Small summer group was taking place. I didn't go all of them the the ones I gone. I was really good. I have them on my pass BLOG sit.

During my time in both church I really thankful for the time and friendship and understand about the church. Both Constitution and By-Laws and more.
Monday - Friday the Sanctuary of First Baptist Church open there doors to the Sanctuary between 12:00pm - 1:00pm for slint . (That the time on Monday I was off and taken some picture of the stand glass windows.)

July came I found that I wanted to be a Associate Member First Baptist Church. I being to understand about both church. Each of the church had there was of worship. The base of the service is the same. version of the bible is some what not the same. The hymnal is so many year old.

Bible Study Class...

Calvary Baptist Church:
ALL ARE INVITED FOR BREAKFAST each Sunday in Shallenberger Hall from 8:30 to 9:15, before Sunday School, to fellowship together.

First Baptist Church: Starbuck's Coffee and muffin and bagles before bible study.

(In the morning I go to have breafast with the Sunday School Class before I join the choir on the second floor choir room. I miss Sunday School. But with the new Tuesday night bible study I can do both. It been a good hand full of memeber join us on Tuesday night. )

Prelude: Both church as a Prelude to start worship. (Ijust what to say both church song so good. I enjoy Larence P Screiber, Organist-choirmaster. as well the new oganish Olivia Buthod the bright young student that learning the orgin and a wonderful music it is."

Gathering/Processional Hymn

Both Calvary and First Baptist dues the Processional Hymn. But Calvary: has the Gathering Hymn were the choir memeber walk from the side of the church sanctuary. (It is hard to read the hymnal and walk at the same time. When you get to the pulpit. If you don't look were you going. YOU KNOW. But I learning the music so one day I can half way remeber the word...)

First Baptist Church...
During the before the Processional Hymn Interoit will sing in the back on the ____ and sing it first hymn. When they play the music more. They start walking down stair and start from the back of the Sanctuary. And start the Processional Hymn. The Pastor and the readers with be side of the pastors.

Calvary Baptist Church...
During the Gathering hymn before they sing. The choir will be seated on the pulpit. The Same thing with the Processional Hymn. The The Pastor and the readers with be side of the pastors.

Call for Worship: Call for Worship is the same both church.

Hymn of Dedication/ The Gradual:

First Baptist Church has there The Gradual

Calvary Baptist Church has there Hymn of Dedication

Prassing of the Peace of Chirst: Both Calvary and First Baptist has the peace of Chirst.

Please exchange the peace of Christ with one another at this time through hugs, hanshakes, or simply by sayhing, "The peace of the Lord be with you."

(With both church I know that there not to much time for the choir in going out the the church congregation to do the peace of Chirst. I hope one day we my have the first or second Sunday were the choir can come out. But remeber I love being in the choir. Singing from the hymnal. Thank you for buying the new hymnal on Febuary 2005 of last year.)

First Baptist duesn't do the Alleuia in the choir.

Calvary dues do the Alleluia
Leader: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Pelple: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Leader Your word. O Lord, is truth Consecrate us in the truth.
People: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Remeber in the Alleluia or any text in the church bulletin anything in buld leters the people sings or say.

Gospel Lesson: Both Church has the Gospel...
(First Baptist Gospel reader has a Robe... It look so cool but the staff of Calvary reads the Gospel. And one or every blue moon memeber will do the Gospel)

Gloria Patri: (Hymnal #579) First Baptist Church dues this at this church only. Calvary dues a "CONGREGATIONAL CALL TO PRAYER HYMN"

Glory be to the Father, and to the Sun
and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the
beggining, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. A-men A-men.

Pastoral Prayer of Lord's Prayer: First Baptist call it First PRAYERS that Deborah Cochran dues. I enjoy her prayers and saying the Lord Prayers. Calvary Amy Butler or the Pastor for the day will be saying or one of the staff.

First Baptist
Our Father, who art in haven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us the day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who treaspass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. .For thin the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, who art in haven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us the day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive those who debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thin the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Sermon: Both Church has the same sermon. (But each pastor has there gift they bring to there church that they servce. I think it is a wonderful thing to do. When the call come to a man or a women to servce GOD.)

Hymnon of Dedication

Calvary Baptist Church:

Priaise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gift!
Praise the spirst, Holy Spirt!
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

First Baptist Church:

Praise God, from whom all blessing flows;
Praise Him, all creatures
here below; Praise him above, ye hevenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
(I think that Calvary updated there hymnal and First Baptist still had there copy of hymnal and there doing the King James version of Praise God whom all blessing flows.) Is it so COOL!
Invitation to Discipleship and Church Memebership.
Hymn of Invitation/ Choral Response: Both Church of both church ask "As being the pastor of this churc. If they what to become the part of this comunity of faith. I'll be infront to welcome you."
(As for me I join Calvary in November 6, 2005 and First Baptist in July 2 2006. Both time I enjoy the moment and clam my fiath to GOD and servce in the church I join.) .

Bendiction: Both church has the Bendiction. The closeing of the service.

First Baptist: May The Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Calvary Baptist: And now blowly from this place to the spirit of GOD to make you life a moument and give you peace.

Postude: Both church as a Prelude to start worship.

Calvary Baptist Church:

During the Postude, you are invited to sit quiety and listen, or you may exit quiety, as you choose. Please join us in Woodward Hall for refreshment at the conclusion of tody's service.
Hall is located immediately to the left as you exity the Sanctuary
We look forward to greeting you there.
First Baptist Church:

During the Postude, you are invited in sit quity and listen, or you may quiety, as you chose. Please join us in the Parler on the left side of the pulpit. For Coffee tea cookes and good fellowship.
You are welcome down stair to fellowship hall for a pot luck lunch you'll are welcome we have food and drink are ready for you to join us.

(I know about this. I had two time I been there for the summer. I know but I will not leave my church Calvary because of a good lunch. But I miss some of the people at First Baptist Church.)


First Baptist Church Starbucks is 2 1/2 block away from church.

Calvary Baptist Church Starbuck's is only a block away from church.

Bloth are realy good church... I really love both church... I hope you may find your church as well.
If you have any comment place go and give me what you think. Thank you for this moment.


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