Sunday, January 29, 2006

Pens & Stylus

Free Pens and Man made Stylus

For me one of many I can say I'm a pen person. Some people said "It just a pen." But a pen by another name maybe a Stylus.

Last year I finale get to go to a computer show in crystal city Virginia. The first four I got from that show.

  • First one I got from TruePostion. It has a good grip to it. Medium Point. I can change it but in blue ink.
  • Second and Third pen I got that from inxight . It write in a blue medium point plus one of them didn't have ink in it. It has a good grip to it.
  • Fourth pen Insight Public Sector. It a medium point black ink plus on the top it a light when you click the top it turn on.
  • Fifth pen not a pen at all. It a pen that turn in to a styles. I got that at Target for $5.00 so many year ago. At Staples I go a styles refill. I turn it in to a styles. It has a good grip to it.
  • finally the last one. Sixth is a styles. Same way but. I needed to go to a Pen store in George town shopping center. They had Waterman refill for styles. At the same time they go a refill for Parker pen uses Waterman ink refills that had a Parker attachment. So I got the attachment put in on the Waterman styles refill, and turn the last pen in to a styles. Plus someone gave me that one. Because the laser pointer on the top didn't work. Wow!!! Plus it has a good grip to it and weight to it.

If any question on this or any other: email me ATT: Pens and Stylus

Saturday, January 28, 2006

PDA POCKET PC and more

Past and the Future
Second PDA I got for only $100
It is a Windows 2002 serice 64 MB
Plus I got a SanDisk Connect Plus Low Power Wi-Fi Card 128 memory CompactFlash Card 802.11b.
I'm haveing problums on getting it to work. I let it boom out. And reload it. But it didn't work .
If anyone can help me Email at : Subject: ATT: WiFi Help

I got this in Micro Center in McLean Virginia at Pan Am Plaza. Their many place to go.
  1. Micro Center Computer Store.
  2. Giant Food Store. (Just open up two month ago.)
  3. Starbucks Coffee
  4. Wachovia Bank
  5. Chevy Chase Bank
  6. McDonald's
  7. BaJa Fresh: Consistently flavorful and fresh Mexican food.

And many wonderful place to go.

The second Pocket PC I got this a costco at Pentagon Center. I finaly getting out of the Palm.

From the first Palm Pilot and on.

  1. Palm 1000: 500 Kb
  2. Palm 5000 1000kb
  3. Palm Pilot 1Mb
  4. Palm III 2 Mb
  5. Palm V: 2Mb Now it is going to recharge way.
  6. Palm VII that a wireless internet and email org.
  7. Palm 500
  8. Palm 505
  9. Palm 515
  10. Palm Tungsten T
  11. Palm Tungsten Cand many more after that.

and many more after that.

This will be another BLOG in the future.


HP Pocket PC iPaq

The new pocket pc I just told. This one I put a protable keyboard and a WiFi Compact Flash Card.

Keyboard from Circuit City Pentagon City Mall

Many place has open and many place that close.

Some of this place I wish they never close.


SunDisk 256 Mb after Thanksgiving Special at Staples.

Lexar 128 Mb CompUSA Landmark.

It does it job. It hold alot of music plus picture tranfer doument for your PDA and desktop computer.

Fashion Center.

  1. Suncost Video Store.
  2. Sam Goody
  3. L&N Seafood Restrant
  4. Macy's Department Store
  5. Northstorm Department Store
  6. Apple Computer Store
  7. Sony Product Store
  8. Sushi, McDonald's and many more place to eat at.

I wish they never close the movie theater.

I remember that the place I seen Back to the Future II and III.


I rember in the really 90's I got my first sharp Wizard Memory card.
It was 500 Kb of memory and it wow that big. That the time when we had family out of two. We check in to be more close to them. I finaly buy it and it cost alot.

You have a choies in internal or external memory to put your telephone number, nets, calander and todo list and many more.

Plus this to will be a future BLOG as well.

SanDisk Compact & SD Card

  1. 8MB
  2. 16MB
  3. 32MB
  4. 64MB
  5. 128MB


last but not lease a rhinoskin case for the pocket PC.

Remember get it. It will save you alot of money in the long run.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Some of Starbucks reward item. And what it make you feel.

something to share with you'll

Out side cover

In side

Starbucks Key holder

Right Below this is who you feel. GREAT!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

In Front

A day and life at Calvary. May good wishes and happy moments. And doing God Will.

Looking forward in your comments.
I hope every body reading this have a good weekend.
Ocean City Maryland pier